Anyone in Texas (or who watches the news) knows we got hit with a big ol’ snow storm in February of 2021! Biggest one of most of our lifetimes. Now I’m no weatherman, but the folks who are say we should be ready for more to come. A lot of that will require precise and thorough handyman work, and THAT’S our expertise! Let’s take a look at some ways we can prepare your home for another winter like that one.
First, let’s get our goal in mind: keeping your family warm and safe inside. The biggest threat to that isn’t ripping winds or blasting snow- we get plenty of rain storms doing worse that that! No, the thing to watch out for is that biting cold getting where it’s not supposed to be. In short, you want to keep the heat inside and the cold outside.
How to Prepare for a Snow Storm
Obviously, homes built in the Jonestown and Lago Vista haven’t historically been made with snow storms in mind. It’s possible your builder put a good number of your water lines along the exterior walls. Those will freeze quick, so you need a professional to get inside those walls and insulate them. This is a good opportunity to get your walls, attic, and garage insulated as well. Exterior walls are most important, but you wouldn’t believe the effect of hitting the interior walls as well.
Additionally, doors and windows are famously bad at regulating temperature. Doors take some extra work to weatherproof to this level, and old-school windows… Well, you may as well just leave them open! The door work isn’t hard if you know what you’re doing. If you’re on a budget, you can caulk up any cracks and install weather stripping, and that’ll help!
Windows will likely need replaced unless you sprung for highly insulated ones already. You can give them the same treatment as doors, but those panes and frames will still leak a ton of heat. Get those plus any doors that need it replaced by a professional, and you’ll be much safer for it. Replacements can be a pain (ideally a double pane), but they work much better while adding some good value to your house!
There’s plenty to add, but these things should keep the worst of the storm at bay. As we near winter, I’ll keep an eye on the sky, or at least the one behind the weatherman, and pass along anything else you might need. We’ll keep you warm and safe, and increase your property value while we’re at it, as the hill country gets to know a snow storm or two in the coming years!